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About page

Hello people!

If you are an Native American or if you are not it doesn't matter,this page is for all who know and for all those who do not yet know nothing about Native American culture,here you will find all information about this amazing culture.

what you'll find on Native Americans blog?

  • Native Americans history
  • Native American culture
  • Best Native Americans photos and videos
  • Stories
  • Clothes
  • Books
  • Products
  • Native American symbols
  • Native American preferred animals
  • Native American language

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About me

My name is Betty Smith and welcome to my blog.

I am an Native American girl,19 years old,living on LA and I love animals and nature.
I'm happy you are here and i hope you like my blog.
I started this blog with a purpose,to tell other people about this culture,by sharing photos,videos,quotes,stories,books and products. At Native American it is truly my greatest heart's desire to showing you the truth about Native Americans.

                                                                     This is me      ⇓

Comment what do you thing about my blog and if you want to change something on my blog just tell me and i will thing about it.

Contact with me on facebook: Here 

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